Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I wonder...

...who Sarah Palin's speechwriter is/was. Yikes.


heydave said...

She has broken the mirror of apparent reality and shown us the true figment of our existence. She humbles my Zen.

AnnPW said...

HD, that is positively poetic!

Ricky Bones said...

Did you see that presser? I love how a blogger or two pointed this out when she polled her children:

"It was four "yes's" and one "hell yeah!" The "hell yeah" sealed it..."
The Blogs-As an aside, Trig, at 14 months, surely is not old enough to have expressed an opinion on this matter, which means somebody voted twice.

How best to serve the people of Alaska is probably AS the GOVERNOR. What is a private citizen going to do?

This is just odd!