Thursday, June 17, 2010

And it's not even Israel!

Anyone else remember wingnuts screeching about how treasonous it was for the POTUS to apologize for America to a foreign country? Is there anyone with even a shred of sanity left in the Republican Party?


Freewheel said...

Barton had to apologize... he's owned by big oil. What if they fire him for putting the American people ahead of oil interests?

Freewheel said...

Seriously though -- and I don't know what part of Texas he's from -- isn't apologizing to BP enough for voters to elect someone else in Nov.?

AnnPW said...

Lovely thought, FW. But I'm afraid I know my home state, and I'm not hopeful.

But we'd love to be surprised, wouldn't we?

Mike Thomas said...

Smokey Joe Barton was my congressman when I was a student at Texas A&M. A local cartoonist nailed it once when he compared his to Dan Quayle and a potted plant. He's just not very bright.
But at least he knows enough to, as Molly Ivins would say, dance with the one who brung you. Barton's largest political contributor is Anadarko Petroleum, a partner with BP in its offshore drilling.

AnnPW said...

Hey, look who showed up!

Good to see you Mike!

When you talk about a Texas Republican being "not very bright", aren't you being redundant?

Mike Thomas said...

We've got a scary bunch of congress critters here in Texas, don't we? Smokey Joe Barton; Ted Poe; Kevin Brady; Randy Neugebauer; Ron Paul; Ralph Hall; Sam Johnson; Lamar Smith...
They make the local Tea Partiers seem sane by comparison.

AnnPW said...

Well, at least until you throw TexasFred into the mix!

Freewheel said...

Mo Rocca: Rep. Joe Barton has apologized to the British for the American Revolution.

AnnPW said...

Comedy gold, really. If Barton weren't such a nobody, it would be late-nite fodder for years to come, like poor old Mr. Whittington apologizing to Cheney for allowing his face to get in the way of Cheney's buckshot.

heydave said...

Just to make you Texans (and no, I will NOT say y'all) feel a bit better, remember that Steve King in from Iowa, and Michelle Bachmann is just north of us in Minnesota.

Hey, I can see her house from here!