Friday, February 20, 2009

Irony is Dead, Example # 59,786,639,678....

Glenn Greenwald has another good post up today in which he discusses the threadbare neocon tactic of accusing anyone who disagrees with them about our Israel policies of being "anti-semitic." Among other things, he points out how the destructiveness of this tactic lies not only in its ability (now thankfully fading, according to Greenwald) to stifle honest debate, but also in its trivializing of the whole issue of anti-semitism and bigotry. Greenwald and others have also noted that many rightwingers display the same level of disingenuousness in their discussions of racial bigotry, a dynamic that went on full display a little closer to home here recently.

Readers of this blog who have followed any of my links to Mike's place, Rhetoric and Rhythm, may recall the ubiquitous wingnut troll, Mark, our longtime sparring partner who refuses to post under his name anymore because, well, who the hell cares why. He has also started showing up over at Donna's place, Happiness Anyway, lucky gal, and he apparently reads my blog but, to my great relief, seems to have decided that it is beneath him to leave comments here - thus saving me the trouble of deleting his comments because I am far less tolerant of his bullshit than either Donna or Mike. Anyway, for your Friday jollies, check out how, in in this comment thread, he accuses me of being a bigot, while simultaneously over here accusing Donna and me of political opportunism in pointing out the racism of the recent New York Post cartoon controversy. Priceless.


Freewheel said...

Whatever happened to ATC? Did he finally surrender to common sense?

AnnPW said...

Hi Freewheel! Maybe one day Mark will tell us what happened to his BFF and golf partner, Bill Crawford, whose blog, All Things Conservative, abruptly and mysteriously disappeared. But if history is any teacher at all, I suspect that "common sense" had very little to do with it.

Freewheel said...

I'm going to guess that he's writing a book about all the successes of the Bush Administration. It's a fictional account, just like his blog was.