Monday, June 15, 2009

The lamest apology

Is when someone says, "I'm sorry if I offended you" especially when followed by, "I was only joking!" It's like a pile-on to the original offense: "I'm sorry you're so clueless as to misconstrue my clearly unoffensive statement."


heydave said...

What happened to "land of the brave" where one could intentionally offend?
If you voted for McPalin, for example, I would proudly point out you're a fucking idiot.

heydave said...

Seriously, isn't such lameness the quintessential calling out of the school yard bully? Jeebus, this tool (DePass) makes me vomit.

AnnPW said...

Evidence abounds that the freedom to offend is alive and well here in our great country, right, heydave? Consequences, however, can be a bit unpredictable. The GOP has been offending with impunity for some time now, and may still be adjusting to the long-overdue consequence of (preferably) permanent minority status.

Well, I can dream, can't I?

Ricky Bones said...

I guess eh didn't know that the Internets is seen by everyone and not just his good buddies.