Tuesday, August 11, 2009

TexasFred has a Message for us!

Sorry to have been so quiet lately. The tsunami of rightwing lunacy that has erupted in response to Obama's attempt to reform our healthcare system has had me just plain tired. Seems like just when Sarah Palin or Newt Gingrich steps out on the national stage to say something completely batshit insane, some other goon steps up to the plate to take things just a little bit further down the road to falling right off the cliff. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, considering that I live in the middle of Wingnut-topia. But, of course, down here in Texas, we grow our own special brand of Nutz, a prime example of which is that porcine figure of a man who calls himself TexasFred, and what a surprise: He has A Message for us, The American People:
I have heard the TEA Party called a lot of things lately.

A rudderless ship, operating under a full head of steam with no direction whatsoever. I have seen a few examples of that too, as much as I hate to say it.
I'm more tempted to call it a leaky inner tube.
I have heard our organization denigrated by the left, references made to some perversion that apparently only those on the perverted left were familiar with until recently when our detractors began to refer to us as *tea baggers*.
The perverted right was totally taken aback by this development.
I won’t even attempt to decipher the thoughts of the far left and their moonbattery, but I will say this, as disorganized, as rudderless as we may be, the TEA Party, and a few other groups out there that are motivated by pure patriotism, and nothing else, have scared the hell out of the Libs, Dems and far left moonbats.
Yes, indeed, we moonbats quake with fear in the face of Pure Patriotism, and nothing else!
We are called Right Wing Radicals by the left. That is a name I wear proudly. Thomas Jefferson was a right wing radical. Most of the founding fathers of this nation were right wing radicals, and to be even remotely considered in that group is an honor.
Got that? Thomas Jefferson and most of the founding fathers of this nation were right wing radicals. Uh huh. Read on, though, 'cause TexasFred is just getting warmed up.
Some folks are members of TEA Party groups because a TEA Party gathering is where they get their current news. Sad, I know, but the truth. Those people are terribly out of touch, they are uninformed regarding current events and are beating dead horses that have NO bearing whatsoever on the direction this nation has taken.
You don't say!
They constantly forward email after email of OLD information, they mean well, but for crying out loud, some of us are hard core political bloggers and activists. We have seen that stuff many times over. They load in-boxes with useless or irrelevant garbage. They mean well I suppose, but they need to get up to speed on real time events before they attempt to bring people like me DOWN to their speed with OLD stuff.
Heavy lies the Stetson, or in Fred's case, the cheap $4.00 imitation.
America has reached a point of unprecedented division. We are divided on politics, abortion, religion, the management of our nations business, TARP, Cap and Trade, Immigration reforms, bailouts, just to name a few of the reasons for our division.

We are being forced to accept things that are quite simply, unacceptable.
A first in our country! Some faction being "forced" to accept things that are, quite simply, unacceptable!
We have a President that has constantly had his legitimacy to hold that office questioned, his birthright questioned. We have a President that is highly suspect of being a Muslim sympathizer, if not, in truth, secretly a Muslim.

We have a president that has appointed numerous CZARs to oversee his wishes and desires for America. The little dictators are APPOINTED, not elected, and the legality of that action is being called into question.

Our President is suspected of being a follower of the teachings of Marx, Stalin and Hitler. Many of his programs today stand in testament to those suspicions. Our President has asked that Americans report anything *fishy* to his minions. Fishy? There’s a word that bears a broad definition in today’s political world.
No kidding! Let's see, where in that last few paragraphs could the word "fishy" be applied...?
We are led by a President that is supported by the far left and union goons.
As opposed to the previous eight years when we were led by a President that was supported by the far right and his corporate goons.
We are led by a President that encourages his union goons to hit us twice as hard as we hit them. We haven’t hit anyone, but some of Obama’s union goons, SEIU members I am told, have engaged in violence against peaceful Americans who were voicing their opinions at political gatherings. Does that action by union goons not smell of Chicago gangland politics?
No, but something in that version of events certainly smells "fishy".
So far, I have been terribly disappointed with the so-called Conservative parties that I have seen. Mostly they have been made up of people that perhaps have had a few good ideas, but are afraid of their own shadow. They are afraid to speak out and tell the REAL truth. They are afraid of offending the few current members they have or any future members they possibly may gain. They don’t appreciate people like me, people that will look you in the eye and tell you the REAL truth, and not give a damn about the consequences.
Fred has been disappointed by people who fail to appreciate him. I can appreciate that.
The time for polite, well mannered civil discourse has long past. It’s time to fire up the people of this nation, the REAL Conservatives of this nation, and by God it’s time to take this nation back from the demons that are trying to destroy her with their socialism and a love of all things anti-American!
And Fred is just the guy to lead the charge of Death to Civil Discourse!

Tired, I tell you. The whole thing just leaves me feeling tired.


Freewheel said...

Love this! Reminds me of your hilarious comments on ATC. TexasFred should feel honored.

AnnPW said...

Oh yes, I'm sure he does! Thanks, FW - too bad we don't have Bill Crawford to kick around anymore, isn't it!

Mike Thomas said...

What Texas Fred wants is more take-charge, "REAL conservatives" like Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph.
Only a "Pure Patriot" like Texas Fred could hate his government and his fellow citizens with so much vigor and passion.

Ruth said...

The wingnuts are continuing their behavior, not showing bad influence from the ignorant but counting on the ignorance.

Love the polite discourse that ex-Darth was so accustoming us too, like F*** you, you know.

Constitutionality and graciousness was so a part of the strongarm tactics of w's overriding laws passed by congress with his own special orders.

The poor thing hasn't even a basic understanding of civics, or history, or might realize that our constitution, with civil rights, is basic to our freedoms.

Sorry this stuff is tiring you out, having gone through adolescence with your boys, I expect you realize some things they just have to grow out of.

Freewheel said...

TexasFred makes Bill Crawford look sane and sensible by comparison. In fact, from William Buckley and George Will to Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter, from Ronald Reagan to Sarah Palin, are conservatives getting nuttier as time goes on?

heydave said...

The really sad part is that things JUST went to shit after the election of Barry Hussein, don'tcha know.

Po' Fred.