Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oh, for Pete's Sake!

Come on. I mean, really. There is NO WAY this country is ever going to elect someone named "Huckabee" to be its president. We may be stupid, but we do have our pride.


D. Sidhe said...

That was actually my argument against Dukakis. I really thought Kerry had a shot, though.

Mike Thomas said...

A very good shot, indeed.

AnnPW said...

D.Sidhe!!! How honored I am that you dropped by! Heydave is around here somewhere - check over by the beer cooler....

Mike is right, of course - the ultimate travesty of the Bush years will be how in God's name such a Loser could steal an election from not one, but TWO perfectly viable and infinitely more qualified candidates. Of course, I remember thinking No Way! to myself when the GOP put forth Ronald Reagan, and I certainly thought so again when that pissant little draft-dodging coward Bush attacked Kerry's MILITARY SERVICE, so now my No Way!s sound a bit hollow, even to me. Nevertheless, going out on a limb here, and saying No Way are we going to elect Huckabee. I mean, really - "President Huckabee"??? God help us all if I'm wrong about that!