Thursday, June 5, 2008

"He knows where he's going."

"d" at LG&M imagines.

Digby on coming together.

C&L gives us this sweet catch.

UPDATE: War Crimes. Bush and Cheney must be held accountable for this and there is simply no other acceptable way to do that than to try them for war crimes. Period.


heydave said...


Mike Thomas said...

The person who needs to be "held accountable" for this is John McCain.
It would do absolutely no good to have Bush and Cheney tried for war crimes if McCain still ends up in the White House.

AnnPW said...

Mike, McCain should certainly be held accountable for his support of Bush by being roundly defeated this fall, and I believe he will be. I understand that you think it is unrealistic to call for Bush and Cheney to be tried for war crimes, and you may very well be right. But I will go to my grave believing with all my heart that it is wrong, wrong, wrong for them to get away with what they have done - and without being charged and tried, that is exactly what will have happened. I'll survive - after all, I have survived OJ's acquittal too! - but it is a wrong that I will always speak out about and do everything in my power to change.

I also think that you are probably right because I suspect that, in the spirit of "Unity" and "Reconciliation" President Barack Obama may not pursue rigorous investigations and prosecution of criminal wrongdoing by this administration. I think that would be a mistake.

Mike Thomas said...

I'm not trying to dissuade you from persuing your dream, Ann.
Lord knows it is a worthy goal.
I just don't want such pursuits to distract from the bigger goal which is to pry the GOP's hands off of the nation's steering wheel before they drive us off of any more cliffs. The landings are hell!

heydave said...

I hope reconciliation doesn't happen on a large scale. I would think more than a few career employees at DOJ have been pissed on/off enough to undertake very effective prosecutions.