Monday, June 2, 2008

Mad As Hell

Thanks for asking.

Or, to put it another way, like someone handed the keys to my brand spanking new Ferrari over to a drunken Eddie Haskell, minus the intelligence and the charm. UPDATE: War crimes. Investigations? Now, please!

Time to break out the F-word.

This seems, somehow, related - but maybe not.


Ruth said...

What is rotten to the core of this worst administration ever is that the laws are there, they set up a system of injustice to make sure they couldn't be prosecuted before they broke the laws. Time to make justice independent of the executive branch. That way criminals can't take over two branches of the government - and defy the law.

AnnPW said...

They are still working on it, too, Ruth - they have not yet gotten immunity for the telecoms passed through the legislature, though that seems imminent. I know you feel, as I do, that Bush and Cheney are guilty of war crimes. Do you agree with Mike that there is no way, Jose, that they will ever be prosecuted?