Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Not, I repeat, not a parody

I swear.

Sometimes these guys just make it way too easy.

UPDATE: Holy Frijoles! My favorite, bar none: "When are you going to offer a Joe Lieberman Certified Ballwasher?"

UPDATE AGAIN: Okay, look. I know that it's feeding into stereotypes calling right wingers stupid, and to make fun of them is useemingly personal and, well, elitist. But wait a minute. It's worth remembering that these guys are not only proud of their stupidity (remember their standard-bearer for the last eight years, the guy who brags about being able to pay others to do his reading for him) they are actively engaged in an organized and well-funded campaign to make the rest of us just as stupid as they are - the systematic and never-ending attack on public education is but one branch of that campaign. These guys are to scholarship what the KKK was to civil rights. Added: Or what Ken Starr is to privacy.

AND ANOTHER THING: Speaking of higher (?) education from the geniuses who know all about how to carry out a plan, there's this. Man oh man, talk about winning hearts and minds.


heydave said...

Oh man, that is layers upon layers of teh stoopid funny!

heydave said...

With each update I find reinforcement that my view of "BushCoBaby=Stoopid" to be spot on.

AnnPW said...

Yessir! An observation that puts you, I might add, squarely in the Not-Stupid camp! Congratulations!