Thursday, May 1, 2008

By God they did it!

This is the greatest news - not quite as good as an announcement of a war crimes tribunal, but really great nevertheless. Look at that vote: 844 - 20! Good for you, Methodists!

UPDATE: Sharla sends us a poem:

There once was a president named W
Who wanted his library at SMU.
The Methodists said no
So where could he go?
Even Bob Jones is too good for you!

UPDATE II: Mike points out in comments that the battle isn't over just yet. We celebrated too soon.


heydave said...

And Reason has entered the building!

Donna said...

Maybe Bob Jones University can award him an honorary degree, then he can build it there.

AnnPW said...

Donna! This is so funny - I just received a poem from my friend Sharla who asked me to provide the last line. I'm posting it in an update here - You won't believe this, but I thought of the line, and then saw your comment! Great minds think alike....

heydave said...

The boy king was just plain shocked.
"You don't want my stuff?"
"No, George, shove it up your ass."

AnnPW said...

LOLOLOLOL!! No goddam elitists in this bunch, I tell you!

Mike Thomas said...

It hasn't been rejected yet.

The conference's committee on Ministry and Higher Education voted 51-5 to refer it to the full conference, and the conference voted yesterday by 844-20 to refer it to the jurisdiction that controls the Dallas-based university. That jurisdiction plans a meeting in July.

I've said all along that they should have put the library at Texas Tech in Lubbock where they would have been showered with rose petals (and tortillas). Instead they chose to have this spit fight with the Methodist Church. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

AnnPW said...

Oh hell, Mike. The newsclip made it sound much more final than that, but since I got it I have been looking for stories about it elsewhere and couldn't find anything. Another disappointment. Well, let's hope the momentum carries through July.

heydave said...

Can I polish it up a bit?
Make it look better?
No, George, it still bites my ass.