Thursday, May 29, 2008

This made my day!

Someone give this guy another medal. (H/T Thers at Atrios' place)

P.S. Sorry about light posting - I'm swamped, both at work and at home. What's going on where you are?


heydave said...

Glad you asked!
After my gutter fiasco (who was the moron who lived here before me?) I was primed for more home improvement. I got home last night to find that new cellular shades had been received to take the place of the broken, decrepit, stained (see: gutter, ice damage, roof leak) things that were hanging in my windows.

I tore the packages open as soon as I got home and got out my tools, tearing down Mr. Handy's previous efforts.

He obviously owned a LARGE coffee can of assorted fasteners, using them to install the previous blinds with a myriad of items that ranged the gamut from suitable to not-so to WTF?

Not long afterward I was able to enjoy my properly installed, stunning new shades, while shit-canning the old things and chuckling over all the fancy new swear words I invented in the meantime.

AnnPW said...

Ooooh, new swear words! Will you share?

No kidding, HD, sounds like quite an adventure. Hope you have time to relax and enjoy your handiwork now!

heydave said...

Actually, swamped here at work, but at least I can still dog around the interwebs. Speaking of which, nice link to S/N!

Ruth said...

I'm making up for all the years I was working and paid some one to take care of the yardwork. I've found the woodpile behind the shed where he piled the downed limbs he was paid to remove. Looks like I'm fully employed again. Glad you asked.

And take time to post too.

heydave said...

Picking up after losers builds character!