Monday, May 12, 2008

What th'..Huh???

Still picking my jaw up from the floor after reading this at the Carpetbagger Report:
In fact, I’d also add that McCain is almost certainly a better debater than Obama, so while both candidates tend to shine in town-hall settings, it’s far from obvious that Obama would look better than his rival.
Fortunately, a number of commenters expressed strong disagreement with this sentiment, so I feel a little less like I'm losing my mind. A little.

Either I'm far more blinded by prejudice than I ever thought, or this assessment of both Obama and McCain is just nuts. I just can't imagine that any side-by-side comparison of the two could be anything other than enormously favorable for Obama, who not only looks better but speaks much better - am I wrong?


heydave said...

You MAY be nuts, but anyone thinking that Johnny McMav would make a good president is also nuts..

Donna said...

My friend, you are not wrong, my friend. And, for emphasis, let me just say, that, my friend, you are right.

Mike Thomas said...

Maybe it was a typo.
Seriously, though, although I think it is ridiculous to say that McCain is a better debater, we should not underestimate him either. Anyone who has been in politics as long as McCain has is going to be an accomplished speaker. And unfortunately the debates are not always decided based on "what" they say so much as "how" they say it and the perception that it gives that is subsequently reinforced by media spin afterwards.