Friday, May 23, 2008


KMBBB has it. I, too, was liking him for the AG, but this is mighty interesting.


heydave said...

That gets a "hot damn" from me!

Mike Thomas said...

hmmmmmm... I don't know....
I'm going to have to have more than that before I'll believe it's a slam dunk deal.
There are any number of reasons why he might want to hang onto prime D.C. office space.

I think another hot VP prospect to watch is Sen. Jim Webb.

Freewheel said...

Edwards has not shown that he can help win N.C. or any other southern state. I think you're right that he would make a good AG though.

Ruth said...

Thanks for the info. Me too, I want him as AG. Of course, it might be her, not him, for Veep.