Breathless Mahoney: Thanks for calling. I was beginning to wonder what a girl had to do to get arrested.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Do we really need 4 more years of Stupid in the White House?
Via P. Z. Myers we see that John McCain, whose "strength" is supposed to be foreign affairs (?), is worried about all that trouble along the Iraq-Pakistan border:
Come on, Ann. I think it is very clear what he meant. Once he finishes nuking Iran out of existence, then there will be a border between Iraq and Pakistan. It's very simple.
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Come on, Ann. I think it is very clear what he meant. Once he finishes nuking Iran out of existence, then there will be a border between Iraq and Pakistan. It's very simple.
Very simple - or, at least, very simple-minded.
Thanks Mike, good to have you back from vacation!
Sure, he may talk sleepily and look kinda dopey, but he's a boiling cauldron of dumbassedness.
On reflection, maybe Johnny McMav, you know, doesn't have maps, such as.
Hmmm, "reflection." What a concept!
Grampy hasn't learned 'the Google' yet, and his Atlas has warnings like "Here there be Dragons"
Has anyone noticed Grampy's droopy left eye of late? Has he had a stroke or something?
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