Friday, April 18, 2008

Getting the H*** Out Of Town

San Antonio is kicking off its annual answer to Mardi Gras today, Fiesta! which is a big, 10-day tourist-magnet whoop-de-do. Actually, under the right circumstances, I do love Fiesta and have even gone so far this year as to volunteer (!) my services at the King William Fair next Saturday, and I expect, by then, to be appropriately In The Spirit, with a fully-loaded armory of cascarones at my side.
Everyone has his or her favorite Fiesta activity, which might be anything from Cornyation to El Rey Fido but I am planning to start the week off by following the time-honored local tradition of getting out of town for which I could not be more ready, I tell you what! But meanwhile, I've got an 8-hour work day to slog through (in between my blogging duties, that is) and here are the fruits of my labors so far (which just goes to show how much in need of a break I am):

First, kudos to Glenzilla for a job well done.

Second, this is just perfect.

And finally, a tip-o-the-margarita-glass to heydave, who sent me this ecard setting just the right tone for the rest of the day:


heydave said...

If it wasn't so damn acutely on point, I'd blush. I'd fucking blush.

Have fun, Ann!

heydave said...

Yowsa, them are some "unique" local customs you got going on there.

Yes, have a good time far away.

AnnPW said...

Thanks heydave! Yes San Antonio has a long and noble history of bawdy iniquity, as evidenced by the content of a "Blue Book" my friend Gayle managed to find (on eBay, I think!) and which she used in this series. We could give New Orleans a run for their money, I tell you. Uh oh, I hope Pat Robertson isn't listening...

heydave said...

That directory looks like it might come in handy for the exploring type.

Might have come in handy 14 years ago when I found myself in this little burg...

AnnPW said...

You were in San Antonio 14 years ago?? I don't think the guide would have helped you Dave, unless any of the "welcoming women" (Class A, B, C) from 1905 were still around. You might could have used one of the "Patent Plugs for Pifflicated People" though - I know I could!