Sunday, April 6, 2008

Shame on...who?

Amanda thumps a fundie. It appears that this one thinks that, since Amanda thinks women shouldn't be ashamed of having abortions, she must also think that abortions are fun! (Hello, Sarah Silverman!) This one reminds me of a passage from John Irving's "The Cider House Rules" in which Dr. Larch, who has earned notoriety in turn-of-the-century South Boston for being willing to perform abortions, is called to UpperCrustville to discreetely perform an abortion on One Of Their Own. He does, of course, and while observing their palpable scorn for him, notes to himself, "These people need me but they hate me." He takes the money he was surreptitiously paid and distributes it among the servants in the house, telling the nurse who is apparently in charge of taking care of his patient that she should "Treat her like a princess. No one should be allowed to make her feel ashamed." That line is one of many in the book that always brings me to tears. And, by the way, the movie sucked.

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