Friday, April 4, 2008

Mishmash, TGIF Edition

Just to start things off on the right foot, I thought I should note that the new Scorsese film, Shine a Light opens here at the IMAX today which gives us a great opportunity to reflect on those Bad Boys then:

and now:

Good times, good times. Speaking of which, I discover that another old Outlaw coot, Willie Nelson, will be bringing his annual July 4 "Picnic" to town, here for the first time, stirring up misty water-colored memories of my attendance at Willie's VERY FIRST "Picnic" in 1973 at Dripping Springs. Yes, I actually piled into a van with a bunch of friends and strangers, mind you, and believe me when I tell you that all the stereotypes that that image conjures up do, in fact, apply. I have never been to another one of those events, mainly because huge crowds al fresco in mid-July Texas is just not one of my favorite things, me being quite the comfort-loving gal.

Back to the present, San Antonio offered its citizens yesterday not one but two opportunities to hear Very Distinguished Persons speak on topics of the day. I chose to attend this one instead of this one. I wonder if you can guess why. Hersh was very interesting - he spoke for an hour and a half and despite the fact that he tended to mumble, speak too fast and move away from his microphone (on top of which I have exceptionally bad hearing - all those concerts from my youth, doncha know), I was absolutely riveted. Yes I was. He talked about his difficulty getting the Mi Lai story published, no one wanted it. He told of a mother of one of those soldiers who told him, "I gave them (the Army) a good boy, and they sent back a killer" - a story which prompted him to remind the audience to see "In The Valley of Elah" which I have and which you should if you haven't already.

Some other stuff:

More on the Yoo memo. My question is this: BERKELEY??? WTF??? If I were a graduate from that law school I think I would sue for a refund of my tuition.

Glenzilla bags another one. I could kick myself for not dragging myself to the microphone last night and asking Hersh what he thinks about bloggers, but I'm ashamed to say that I didn't even think about that question until I was driving in to work this morning. Damn.

Dave Neiwert is doing his part to help Obama start that dialogue on race that we need to have, on this, the 40th anniversary of the day that MLK was assassinated.

Any of you have any great plans (or just plain plans) for the weekend?

1 comment:

heydave said...

I am going to move a sickly ficus tree from my light-deprived house to the foyer of work; awash in sunlight like a damn French countryside, it is. And maybe steal the sprawling unidentified plant thing that the secretary complains about.

Shoot for the stars!