Wednesday, July 9, 2008

About FISA

Very depressing. I was going to write a post about it, but I ended up writing a long comment in response to this post of Mike's and said pretty much everything I was going to say there. As always, I'd love to hear what any of you have to say.


Mike Thomas said...

And an excellent comment it was.
I will just say that the thing that concerns me the most is this movement being spurred on by Greenwald and the Firedog folks to "punish" Obama for his vote with this new Moneybomb campaign.
What exactly do they hope to accomplish with that money? Convince a bunch of people to stay home and not vote or vote for Nader again? And if it is a close race and we end up with President McCain, then what?

capmconnundrum said...

Well, I'm pretty dispirited about the FISA thing, you make many good points in your responses. But I tell ya, the wind is pretty well knocked out of my sails at the moment. Obama was not my first choice, nor my second (he led the fillibuster efforts) But here we are, lesser of two evils again.

I also completely understand your anger about BushCo walking away having committed all these crimes because the Dems have been totally spineless with less than a handful of exceptions.

Here's the thing about that. Obama will be impeached if elected. I may be for using a fish fork for salad at a state dinner, but he will be impeached. And the dems will capitulate even if they are in the majority.


capmconnundrum said...

Which is not to say I won't vote for Obama, I will, I'll even make a [small] contribution. I just don't have any illusions about him being a progressive.

AnnPW said...

My God, what a horrible thought Cap! Well, all attempts to keep your cutlery straight will be made here! I would LIKE to think that 1) Obama won't do anything even remotely as criminal as Bush has done and 2) the country just won't support another frivolous impeachment, even from Republicans. I actually think that part of the reason Democrats are so reluctant to get aggressive with the Bush administration is because they believe that the country is still fatigued from all the nonsense during the Clinton years. Which - cynic that I am - is exactly what I thought was part of the Republican plan at the time; that is, to saturate the political landscape with boatloads of brouhaha until the country was sick of it, and then steal the next election and let their guy operate with impunity. I think it worked to a T.

I think you're right that Obama is not much of a progressive, but he's still better than a Republican, and I agree that that's small comfort. We just have a long way to go to get progressive ideas into the mainstream.

Thanks Mike. Greenwald has actually been quite clear that he believes Obama to be the clear choice over McCain in the fall, and that his election is imperative. I could be wrong - and I will go back and try to read their sites more carefully - but my sense is that the Moneybomb campaign is more targeted toward Democratic Congressmen who have been especially egregious in their enabling of the Bush administration. The idea, of course, is to communicate with our representatives in the best way that citizens can and let them know that there is a cost to behaving in ways that don't represent us, and a benefit to behaving in ways that do.

Mike Thomas said...

the Moneybomb campaign is more targeted toward Democratic Congressmen...

If this was still the primary season that would be understandable. But the only way to hurt these Democrats now is to help their Republican opponents.

capmconnundrum said...

" I would LIKE to think that 1) Obama won't do anything even remotely as criminal as Bush has done "

Unless he goes all Pol Pot on us, I'm not he could possibly get close.

heydave said...

I believe the first time I heard my mother swear was listening to AM radio in the days of my youth, tuning in to the White Sox. They were playing that hated team from New York, and my mind really recalls me hearing mom say "fucking Yankees."

I now regularly regale Yankee fans with this story, and on mom's behalf, here on this blog, choose to utter: "fucking politicians."