Hey, Obama can stay above petty partisanship so I don't have to.
UPDATE: Anyone see this? Someone's Depends are in a wad!
UPDATE AGAIN: For those of you who might think I'm being too mean to Huggy Bear, I give you this:
McCain's an asshole. He's a man who called his wife a c*nt in public. He has a violent temper and he's hated by many of his colleagues. And most of them are wandering around pretending that he's some sort of plaster saint.Not to even mention, this.
I don't say this lightly. Heck, I liked George Bush Sr., unlike a lot of folks, for example. You can be a good man, and a Republican. But you can't abuse everyone around you and be a good man. Democrats need to learn from Reid and stop pulling their punches.
UPDATE THE THIRD: Could the McCain campaign actually be stupid enough to believe that puting Palin on the ticket will influence Hillary voters who are still "undecided" about voting for Obama? Maybe they think they will make some gains with women in general (I doubt it), but Hillary voters? Not when word of this gets around:
Once onstage, together with Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano, Palin talked about what women expect from women leaders; how she took charge in Alaska during a political scandal that threatened to unseat the state's entire Republican power structure, and her feelings about Sen. Hillary Clinton. (She said she felt kind of bad she couldn't support a woman, but she didn't like Clinton's "whining.")
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