Tuesday, August 5, 2008

No! Really?

I listened to this NPR interview this morning of Ron Suskind talking about his new book, "Way of the World" and I think what irritated me the most was Steve Inskeep's drama queen incredulity ("Are you saying that the President KNOWINGLY LIED...?") in asking his questions. If Inskeep's shock was manufactured, it was disgustingly patronizing to his listeners, and if it was genuine that is somehow even MORE disturbing. For Pete's sake, anyone who has paid even the most nominal attention to the news since the release of the Downing Street memos has been aware that the Bush administration lied us into this war with Iraq. What's shocking is not any new revelation about Bush administration mendacity, but the mainstream media's and DC establishment's complacency about it, at least up until now. So, Steve Inskeep, where have YOU been?


Freewheel said...

Steve Inskeep is a little drama queen! Bring back Bob!

Donna said...

The press has long believed that we got all the bad guys during Watergate. Sad, but true.

Ruth said...

CSpan gave Suskind an airing this morning, I was pleased that there were lotsa supportive callers.

AnnPW said...

Thanks for your comments, all! That is good, Ruth. Maybe this story will finally get some traction, but I don't have my hopes up. I think I just feel so worn down by all the horrible scandals that have been revealed about the Bush administration and nothing ever happens to them. But Bill Clinton got impeached for lying about a blow job. Gah!!

AnnPW said...

This came via email from heydave, whose laptop won't let him post blog comments while he's on the road:

I wish this was the exception than the norm on NPR. Sadly, no. (cha-ching! another hip blog reference!)

Either I've grown even more jaded (hard to believe) or sensitive (fuck you) but NPR voices seem to strike that incredulity more often than not, couching questions in black and white, with accent grave over the contrast, than actually say something of conscious-reflected content.

Even worse, the rest of radio makes your ass bleed...

Mike Thomas said...

And remember that NPR is supposed to be the liberal's version of Rush Limbaugh, etc.
Whenever you point out to some wingnut that their side rules the airwaves they always throw NPR in your face. You know, the one that regularly features commentaries by William Kristol, David Frum and Juan Williams.