Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Be careful what you wish for...

So McCain wanted to upstage Barack Obama's fabulous acceptance speech and record-breaking Convention with a little media story of his own, right? So how's that working out? Idiot.

Mike has a good summary of all the latest bad news and speculates on how soon Palin will be dumped. Josh Marshall sums up the tight spot McCain has put himself in:
For what it's worth, even though I hinted that I thought we might be going there over the weekend, we should not underestimate the massive forces standing in the way of canning Palin.

The consequences of what I think everyone can now see was a bad decision are huge. The consequences of admitting it was a mistake are something like catastrophic. Much of the remainder of the campaign, I think, would devolve into a picking over of just what McCain was thinking. So while McCain's strategy is based on running on his purportedly superior judgment, much of the campaign coverage would focus on his demonstrably bad judgment.

Also, a very big deal, though not quite as big, would be the effect on conservative evangelicals. Putting Palin on the ticket seems to have finally brought many of them squarely into the McCain camp. Tossing her overboard could be lethal with this critical Republican constituency.

They're in a tight spot.
Needless to say, McCain's Tight Spot is pretty much flooding the humor gristmill, if you'll pardon the phrase. See the usual suspects for some prime examples.


heydave said...

Continual use of the paint brush o' righteousness, or some such dumb analogy, has made Johnny McMav's corner very, very small.

But I don't see him acknowledging this. Too many pundits are cogitatin' this into the ground, and Johnny has cast his fucking die!

heydave said...

Of course, the more I read about the litany of whack-doodle-goodness coming out of the Arctic princess's past, I may have to reconsider.

But this begs the question: is the cranky ol' man really flexible enough to change his tune?

AnnPW said...

Oh, I'm sure he'll follow the Rovian playbook line by line, heydave, meaning he'll spin like mad to blame the whole debacle on The Evil Liberals. e.g., see Bush: Meiers.

Freewheel said...

Would it be wrong to talk about Palin's daughter in the context of how ineffective "abstinence education" is? Obama says no. I'm not sure.

On the other hand, Troopergate deserves attention, and this is a distraction from that discussion.

Freewheel said...

How about this insight from the "Velvet in Dupont" blog:

"So the fact that the teenage vixen is pregnant is a 'private family matter' but, if she wanted to terminate that pregnancy it would suddenly become a 'public government matter?' Call me crazy, but I think that might be, oh, mildly off the wall."

heydave said...

Ooh, Great Point!
I love it when a rethug's words are turned against them.

Hey, BTW, Happy Birthday Ann!

AnnPW said...

Thanks heydave and freewheel! I've been trying to work on a birthday post, but have been swamped. It may end up being somewhat, er, curtailed....