Did anyone catch Peggy Hill's speech last night?Which prompted this response from someone else in the circle:
Don't slander Peggy Hill.From Peggy Hill's Wiki page (Yes, she does, and it's LONG):
Peggy claims high intelligence, though she is often naive and impractical. Interestingly, Peggy's intelligence seems to vary with the situation and her judgment is frequently clouded by her ego.So, I think my friend's comparison is pretty spot-on. Sorry Peggy!
I gave it about 5 minutes - that's all I could stand. Gosh, I dunno, there's just something about pursy-lipped moralistic scolds who lie their asses off that gets my goat. Maybe that's just me, though. Republicans sure do seem to like them. Anyway, here are some thoughts from people who actually watched her so I didn't have to:
Always good to start off with some fact checking.
Barbara O'Brien is not impressed with Palin's small-townsiness, and she thinks, like this guest poster at Obsidian Wings, that maybe - just, maybe - the Republicans may have finally overplayed their we're-jes-plain-folks-like-you hand (emphasis mine):
Now Obama has, like Clinton before him (Bill, not Hillary, who could never overcome her essential wonkishness), the gift of transcending his obvious intelligence, of making the listener respond more to his vision than to the actual proposals he has for achieving it. (As Hilzoy has pointed out, the latter are out there, in fairly impressive detail, but for most voters they simply don't matter.) And more power to him; much of the battle is going to have to be fought on the playing field of “character.”D. Aristophanes goes all diplomatic, and still keeps his optimism.
But the Democrats will not succeed unless they can also, somehow get into the discourse about the Presidency and Vice-Presidency the concept that competence actually matters. Not everyone will listen, but the Democrats need to get through to enough voters to peel off a layer of the anti-intellectual majority that carried Bush to triumph.
If they do, we have won.
If not, I fear for the Republic.
Tristero gives the middle finger to diplomacy and calls this pig's ear what it is:
They are ignorant, nasty prigs, ever so eager to preach their divine virtue to the rest of us sinners. Worse, they are greedy, sadistic, ignorant, nasty prigs, ever so eager to make the less advantaged suffer so that they may prosper. If McCain and Palin are permitted to continue the odious Bush legacy, both the number and burdens of poor young mothers will dramatically increase and their options will shrink. Innocent children will die so that Sarah Palin can call herself a pitbull with lipstick* and wealthy white supporters can snort and snuffle their approval.Heh. Indeed.
*The phrase "pitbull with lipstick" means only one thing. So remember: Palin compared herself to a violent bitch, not Democrats, liberals, or progressives.
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