Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Take a Cha Cha Cha Chance!

I have always loved the Beatles' Birthday song. And here it is my birthday, so there! I was going to pick from the treasure trove of scandals du jour in the saga that is, from here on in these quarters to be known as Palinapalooza, but I am facing end-of-fiscal-year challenges in addition to other birthday distractions - SO, with that in mind, I've settled on this birthday present from our dear friends at Sadly, No! who kindly gave me a cheery thought to get me through my day!

UPDATE: Thanks to heydave, our friends at World O' Crap have given me a little something too! Awwww, thanks guys!


Freewheel said...

Happy birthday!

Mike Thomas said...

I love it! Part of my birthday ritual since I was in high school is to listen to that song. It always cheers me right up no matter what is going on in the world.
Enjoy your day!

capmconnundrum said...

Here's another B'day song! Maybe a little bleaker. ignore the intro and outro.

capmconnundrum said...

Not that you should have a bleak birthday, have a great one! Really!