Friday, September 12, 2008

Could it actually get worse?

According to Krugman, it could, and he's right.

I don't think I'm prepared to face that possiblitiy. That probably says something not good about me, but there you are. I was flabbergasted when my country elected, twice, Ronald Effing Reagan, that phony snake oil salesman actor fer pete's sake. I was appalled at the shenanigans my country was willing to engage in and then ignore, resulting in the installation of George W. Bush in 2000, and I thought there was No WAY we would be stupid enough to re-elect him in 2004, which resulted in my breaking out in a full-body rash on the day after that election. "Stress" my doctor said. This one might put me in the hospital.

"Worse." Think about it.

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