Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not-Too-Deep Thought (Sorry Atrios)

She called herself a dog. I don't mind calling her a pig. If the shoe fits....


heydave said...

I tried waving this flag at a right wing web site. Apparently, to accept such lines is hypocritical.

Or some such shit. Actually, I realized that discussion with them was followed "logical" interaction about on a par as discussion with my ex-wife.

Fuck it. I don't want to hear how mighty Caribou Barbie shouldn't be compared to any sort of animal. She's in favor of fucking hunting from airplanes, fer crissakes; show me one true hunter (beyond a stupid redneck in the airplane passenger seat) who think THAT'S not totally fucked up.

AnnPW said...

She's not just a pig, she's also a child abuser. I think she should be registered as a sex offender. If GOP tools can get away with injecting the word "uppity" into our national discourse, then I say let the gloves come off.

heydave said...

Go visit the clip from Obama via Instaputz (via MSNBC) and feel a little better.