Friday, September 5, 2008


You must read every single word of this post. It is absolutely perfect.


Freewheel said...

It's a good article, but I'm not sure I'd compare her to Nixon. To be honest, I'm not sure what to make of Palin. Is she an "ends justify the means" powermonger like Nixon? Is she a religious fundamentalist fruitcake? Is she just confused? Here's why I'm mystified:

Why did she attend 5 colleges in 6 years? It could be that she kept flunking out, but maybe something else is involved.

What happened between Mayor Palin and the Wasilla librarian? Was Palin really seeking to destroy books that she and her fellow church members found offensive or obscene?

What happened between Palin and Wooten? There's a really odd story where she claims she witnessed Wooten abusing her sister, yet Palin drove off without intervening or calling the police. Either she made up the abuse story or she didn't really care what happened to her sister.

Why did Palin say that the war in Iraq is part of God's plan? That sounds like something Bin Laden would say. Is she really that much of a fundie nutcase?

Sorry for the long-winded comment. Just hoping that someone can shed some light on this.

Freewheel said...

OK, sorry, but two more:

Why did she decide to have baby no. 5 at the same time she was starting her governorship? Was it planned? Is she opposed to birth control based on her religious beliefs? Could it really be Bristol's baby?

What's the deal between the Palins and Bristol's boyfriend? It's one thing to insist on a shotgun wedding (and I'm sure them Palins have shotguns at the ready), but can they really force the teenage boy to become a public spectacle at the same time they insist on privacy for their own family members?

My head hurts.

Have a great weekend.

AnnPW said...

Are you kidding, FW?? I LOVE long-winded comments! The windier, the better! Please keep 'em blowin.

I really do think the Nixon comparison is quite apt, but you've raised some really good questions that I hope will eventually be addressed (not holding my breath, though). There is one question though that I think I do have an answer to:

Is she really that much of a fundie nutcase?
