Monday, October 13, 2008

Armchair Travelling

Well, not quite "armchair" I suppose - but what I am trying to convey is that, while I don't get out of Texas much (okay hardly AT ALL) I am not wanting for exposure to global cultures thanks to my dear friends (talking to YOU, L, G, S and V, you lurkers you!) who lured me out of my house to attend San Antonio's annual International Accordion Festival where we drank copious amounts of beer and swayed (helped by the beer) to the likes of Rupa and the April Fishes:


heydave said...

Damn, makes me want to be forced to write bad check by a French woman!

capmconnundrum said...

San Antonio accordion whatzitz didn't take my suggestion to call it SQUEEZEBOXPALOOZA! so nyeah!

And they have never, to my knowledge, invited They Might Be Giants, so double nyeah!

AnnPW said...

Hi Cap! Interesting group! Don't quote me on this though, but I think, just maybe, that in order to participate in the International Accordion Festival, at least one member has to, you know, play the accordion....

Ricky Bones said...

FUN! I like!

SHE'S HOT!!!!!

capmconnundrum said...

Ah, but Accordion figures large!

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch interviews geek rocker John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants, and the conversation quickly turns to accordions.

Here's the relevant part:
Q: Why is the accordion a big part of your sound?

A: We really got into using the accordion for its flexibility. When we started as a duo, for a little while we were going to gigs on the subway, so we wanted as much flexibility as we could have without snapping our spines.

The accordion is just a good portable keyboard. We didn't know it would become such an obvious indicator of the spirit of the band. I think people hear accordion, and they think, "It must be party time."