Monday, October 20, 2008

A view from France

Nettie sends us the Dancing Frenchman.

Sorry for light posting. We had to put down our beloved Labrador retriever, Buddy, this weekend and I'm still feeling kind of blue. Yeesh, that's a hard thing to do.

To distract ourselves, Sandy and I went to see "Body of Lies". Pretty good, we recommend it.


gypsy said...

No, not the Buddy! I am heartsick y'all. I will never forget the day we were all packed in the van, kids, dogs, adults...and a fowl oder came from thee back of the vehicle and clammering began with..
"What's that smell?"and Sandy said, "That would be Buddy"!

Nettie from France

Freewheel said...

My condolences on the passing of Buddy. It's always hard to lose a good friend.

Donna said...

I'm sorry about your pet. Sometimes, being a grownup sucks.

AnnPW said...

Aw, Nettie, what a way to remember the poor Budster! Though I do think that that incident is memorable not just for the pungency of Buddy's breath that day as for the chipper nonchalance of Sandy's reply: That would be Buddy!

AnnPW said...

By the way, thanks all for your kind thoughts.