Monday, October 13, 2008

"We make our own reality"

Apparently assuming that their supporters are too stupid to read the Troopergate Report for themselves (and, really, who can blame them) the McMavriks are going around claiming that it completely exonerates Governor Pitbull! Yup, and "the fundamentals of our economy are strong", "we're WINNING in Iraq", "I said Thanks, but no thanks to that Bridge to Nowhere" and "we've got 'em just where we want 'em"! The GOP appears to be running their own version of Baghdad Bob for president.


heydave said...

Check's in the mail!

Teddy Wilson said...

Which one of the steps is denial?

AnnPW said...

I think it's the step they tripped over, libtex, and fell flat on their faces!

Ricky Bones said...

This is nuts! They are still chugging along as if nothing is wrong.

After reading the Trooper-Gate report, I see just how low rent and amateur her administration was. She should be ashamed of the severe lack of professionalism that her office displayed. If she had any integrity, she would drop out and say, that she needs to fix her state before she can attempt to take on the VP and F up the nation like Alaska.

"You bet'cha!"