Thursday, October 23, 2008


My friend MW passes along this article which he found in, of all places, Fortune Magazine! A clip:
Ronald Reagan told us that government was the problem, and that low taxes and deregulation were the solutions. The result, even more than Americans recognize, is a government so shrunken in skill and mandate that our gravest problems - financial collapse, natural hazards like Hurricane Katrina, broken health care and education, unsustainable energy systems, and growing global instability - are left without a serious response.

Either we once again invest in our future, notably through an expanded public sector, or we will lose our future.

I presume that John McCain and Sarah Palin will lose the election. Never has a national ticket been less equipped intellectually, temperamentally, and practically to confront America's problems than this one. I also presume that Palin's winks to America will prove to be the equivalent of the Cheshire Cat's grin: the last expressions of an ideology disappearing from the scene.
Wow. Heckuvajob, George! We do appear to be on the precipice of a sea change, thank God. It makes stories like this all the more puzzling, and infuriating.

UPDATE: See also Maha.

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