Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bases Covered

Gawd, I don't know why I read this idiot. Mike warned me not to, but do I listen? Nooo. One thing that I can't help but be fascinated by is how difficult it appears to be for these folks to come to terms with their racism. They seem to be both proud and ashamed of it at the same time. Their comments are peppered with statements that begin: "I'm not a racist, BUT...." or, "Okay, you want racist? I'll give you racist!", yadda yadda. Behold:
There are some seriously ignorant people on both sides of the *race* issue, some scream nigger, some scream cracker and that’s all they have, ignorance and name calling. I truly HATE Barack HUSSEIN Obama, but his skin color is NOT the reason, I hate him because I feel he’s a halfbreed Muslim MUTT with a buried agenda for America! His being part black has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Course not. Nothing at all. Uh huh.

Or how about this little gem:
We have not even begun to see racial strife in America. IF Obama is elected there will be serious repercussions, if McCain is elected there will be serious repercussions, any way it goes, the black race baiters are going to have a field day. An Obama loss triggers riots because they will claim that he was cheated, an Obama win triggers civil insurrection on their part because with Obama as POTUS the ghetto gang bangers and wannabe bad boys are going to feel they have been given a free pass of sorts and there is already serious word on the street in the law enforcement community in regards to the threats of potential racial violence against ALL white police officers.

White supremacists, black radicals, all of them are IDIOTS. Obama may not be the Islamic tool I fear he is, but suppose he is. Do the pimps and drug dealers honestly believe that radical Islam is going to allow them to run like wild animals in the street? Islam will destroy them as easily as it will anyone else that doesn’t submit to and ardently practice their *Religion of Peace*.
No racism there! None at all! And you gotta love that: "Obama may not be the Islamic tool I fear he is, but suppose he is." Good old Fred, he's got his bases covered.

This is a great post actually. He's telling us how bad it's going to be, no matter who wins the election. It's gonna be bad, and it's all the Democrats' fault, of course. Certainly it's not the fault of race-baiting xenophobes like him! Oh noooo.

ALSO: Sane stuff on the race issue here. See the post immediately preceding this one also, entitled "Base: How Low Can You Go?" (H/T Atrios) For some reason, I can't get a link to work on it.


TexasFred said...
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Donna said...

My theory -- for what it's worth -- is that, after a few months of a black president, we'll all go back to yawning through the State of the Union speech(if some even listen to them). Then, it'll be over. We'll have done it, and we'll have survived.

Then, what will the paranoid among us worry about? The first woman president, I guess. Or non-Christian.

TexasFred said...
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TexasFred said...
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AnnPW said...

I hope you are right, Donna. That would certainly be the best case scenario.

TexasFred keeps trying to leave comments, pearls of wisdom that they are. I suppose I should be flattered.

TexasFred said...
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AnnPW said...

That's right, Fred, no responses. Not from you, anyway, unless you can come up with something interesting to say. I won't hold my breath. I give you points for persistence, though!

heydave said...

Those ain't "pearls," ma'am.
I think Fred jes' leaves his droppin's everywhere!

Alternately, I'm not sure Fred is a pedo/necro-philiac, but what if he is!

AnnPW said...

It would be irresponsible not to speculate, heydave!