Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Even our conscience is a moving target."

Wingnuts love nothing more than to sneer at the palpable anger of those who are in opposition to the Bush administration - you know, the other 70 to 80% of the country. Behold. Oh those crazy hippies, who do they think they are, wanting to impeach the President! I must express my admiration for my friend Mike's willingness to go in and debate with these people - I find it very, very difficult.

Needless to say, there is no amount of taunting or sneering that could make me feel ashamed of how angry I am. This fellow puts it quite well (H/T Atrios):
People don't blame both parties equally for the current shit state of affairs that is our nation right now. They blame the Republicans for fucking things up and they blame the Democrats for not doing a damn thing to stop them. RAM that up your ass.
That is exactly right. Those of us who are the most angry are responding to a sense of abandonment by our representatives in government, and the complete breakdown of a system we had had faith in. We don't recognize our country anymore, and are horrified by what we have become. Here are two examples of conditions that the Bush administration has brought us: First, this outstanding article by Dahlia Lithwick (H/T Anonymous Liberal) must not be missed. (I may have to start reading Slate again - I used to read them every day, and I always loved Dahlia Lithwick's articles, but I lost interest in that site awhile back.) Then there's this post by dday over at Digby's place which sums up thusly:
Take a few minutes out of your election coverage and really take a look at this story. It is the expected consequence of the Bush Republican era of corporate dominance.
Damn right I'm angry, deranged even. I don't know how any sane person could not be. There are several ways to cope with this anger, some better than others - but the best ones involve taking action such as contributing to campaigns ("We have to elect more and better Democrats") and entering contests!

UPDATE: Tim F. over at Balloon Juice responds to the story referenced in the post by dday above:
The absolutist kneejerk ideology that wrecked every aspect of Iraq is just part of Republican disease. It’s the basic reason why thinking conservatives like this blog’s proprietor won’t think of voting for even a seemingly reasonable Republican like John McCain. One “reasonable” guy won’t change party’s profound illness. Maybe an old-fashioned bleeding plus some fresh wilderness air will bring the patient back. Maybe even that won’t clean out DeLay corrupticons, Malkinite authoritarians and slobbering neocon torture fetishists, in which case it’s time to start shopping around for hospice care. Either way it’s gratifying to see large majorities recognizing that political power is no more in the patient’s best interest than America’s.


heydave said...

You said it. It hurts my head to listen to idiots babbling and whining and even thinking that a repub should be let near the white house again.

Here's a palette cleanser, and I'll try out a new skill.

AnnPW said...

Wheee! Well done heydave!!

heydave said...

I'm a BIG boy! :)