Thursday, February 14, 2008

In other VD news

This is good to know. Be sure and watch the Molly Ivins video, especially if you're at work - turn it up loud!

Pam has a gift suggestion.

I do so love, love, love World O' Crap, and not least because they have the greatest community of commenters (am I right, heydave?!) one of whom is DSidhe who has another gift suggestion.

I think this might be my idea of the perfect gift for today: My friend Gayle offers selections from her Blue Book series. (My favorite, for the throngs of you who are interested, is "Patent Plugs for Pifflicated People").

"I Pick You"

1 comment:

heydave said...

I am proud to declare that World o' Crap has plagued my productivity every damn day for years!