Friday, February 22, 2008

I don't think I'd call it "genius" either

But there has to be some kind of new word for the hocus-pocus that was required to convince anybody that this porkbutt:

was really a silk purse.


heydave said...

That photo inspires a Pavlovian response in me: total ass kicking slaptitude.

Of course, just about every photo of that Dorkus Maximus brings out that special lurve in me.

AnnPW said...

I think a lot of people respond to Mr. 19% that way, heydave.

vizavis said...

"Was Mr. Obama part of the bipartisan leadership that tackled other thorny issues like energy, immigration or terrorist surveillance legislation? No. Mr. Obama has been one of the most dependably partisan votes in the Senate."

And this is a bad thing? That he didn't "sell out" on his beliefs? The Republican party is on it's last leg and grasping at straws. The party of the "rich and infamous" has been found out for what they represent and the crooks they really are. As a member of the disenfranchized I despise the manner in which they have forgotten the people who entrusted their lives and well-being with them.

heydave said...

I liken it to being on the deck of the Titanic (would that it were so!) while Lord Fauntleroy gasps in astonishment that the other rich bastards didn't save him a life preserver!

capmconnundrum said...

this may be spamming, or may be on-topic, but since I've shared youtoob cartoons with you in the past I want to put in a shameless plug for one I just put up starring the gent in the picture you posted.

Please delete if it's out of line:

AnnPW said...

Cap! Been missing you! Thanks for the great cartoon - I am posting it, posthaste.