Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh okay, The Debate in Texas

Heydave reminds me that I'd better damn well SAY SOMETHING about the debate that took place in my back yard last night. I didn't watch it, and I couldn't even bribe any of my friends to go watch it. So there you have it. BUT, as usual there is great commentary to be found all over blogtopia, and I'm right on top of THAT story! These are my two favorites so far.


heydave said...

Hey now, I don't recall the 'damn well' part, but OK...

I do find that the focus on so-called plagiarism by Hillary was truly silly; on NPR today it was pointed out that her comment about taking so many hits so very, very closely mimicked something her husband had said previously.
That bit of classiness seemed ill-chosen at best.

AnnPW said...

He-heh, I trust that ribbing didn't rough you up too much, heydave!

I hope that the well-regarded closing remarks Hillary made will be what most people take away from her campaign, but who knows. This has been a tough-fought battle (and I realize that I'm talking as if it were already over, which could well be wrong) and it may be a long time before Democrats enjoy a slate of such well-regarded candidates. We all know that we are going to be pleased with whichever Democrat is in the White House next January.

vizavis said...

"Whatever happens, we're going to be fine. You know, we have strong support from our families and our friends. I just hope that we'll be able to say the same thing about the American people, and that's what this election should be about."

She knows that she won't win and this is her concession statement. Yes, she will continue to campaign because it needs to be completed for the sake of honor. That is her way and I will vote for her even though the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Why? Because she may very well be the finest woman to have had a chance to president and I wanted to see this come to pass in my lifetime. I am a selfish person who wants what she wants. Al Franken was wrong, this is the "me" decade. I want to see a woman become president and that's that.
I will vote for Obama. He does remind me of John Kennedy so much, but I will always remember Hillary for her efforts and the pains she was willing to take for the sake of becoming the first woman president. Let's face it, should another woman run, the road will have been made easier because of Hillary.

AnnPW said...

Great points, Pam. Thanks.