Monday, February 11, 2008

How did that happen?

Is it really Monday morning, and is George W. Bush still president? Damn.

I need more coffee, and I need a vacation. Not necessarily in that order.


heydave said...

Funny you should mention that: task number one in the office was to go through my e-mail and then see what stops could congeal into this year's vacation with number 2 son.

AnnPW said...

Hi there, heydave! I'm torn between trying to take time off which coincides with one of my sons' spring vacations (they're on consecutive weeks, so I can't do both) or just take a week off while both of them are still in school and try to get some stuff done around the house. I'm leaning toward Option B.

heydave said...

Boo hiss.

Mike Thomas said...

Or you could split it up and do a Thurs-Fri-Weekend vacation with one kid; a Thurs-Fri-Weekend vacation with the second kid; and then still have one vacation day left over to use for yourself.

AnnPW said...

Oh, you pragmatist, you!