Friday, February 1, 2008

With the passion of a convert

John Cole chides his ex-Party:
Bush, as one last middle finger to the GOP who has slavishly worshipped him, has offered up a budget chock full of election year treats for the already down on their luck Republicans
tsk, tsk!
All those years licking Bush’s boots, and this is what you get in return- attempts to cut Medicare during an economic downturn during an election year where Republicans poll lower than herpes and Ann Coulter is promising to campaign for Hillary over McCain. Anymore compassionate conservatism and the GOP will be relegated to permanent minority status, with nothing but a few religious nuts, a couple warmongers, and Hugh Hewitt.
And Bill Crawford and Mark Harden....
Wouldn’t that just be terrible?
Actually, it would be precisely what needs to happen- the GOP needs to be utterly destroyed, and that has been my goal for several years. I am really looking forward to slipping in that last knife.


heydave said...

Mmm, this calls for a big ol' slice o' Schadenfreude pie!

Dig in!

(sorry, I don't know how to embed links like the kewl kids)

AnnPW said...
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AnnPW said...
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AnnPW said...

Well I was trying to help you out with that embedding nonsense but when I type the links my comments get embedded! So it's going to take someone a whole lot kewler than me to to help you figure it out!

Man that pie looks way too rich for my blood! I think I may have read too much Glenn Greenwald to ever experience schadenfreude. I guess I'm sort of a bitter lemon girl.

vizavis said...
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vizavis said...
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vizavis said...

Schadenfreude pie!

vizavis said...

It was a a three strike challenge. Sorry for the 2 deletes.

vizavis said...

This says it all for me:

Why I'm Not a Republican Anymore