Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Still here!

Sorry to have been so absent here lately. I've been fighting off the annual allergy attack that always fells me this time of year, and finally gave in yesterday and went to the doctor and got a shot. Much better now, thank you very much! Ah, drugs!

So, what, there's an election in a couple of weeks? Things are looking good for our side - not here in Texas, of course, but there you go. I've got my Obama yard sign up and consider it a major victory if I get through the day without some redneck expressing his/her disagreement through whatever form of vandalism is in vogue at the time. So far, so good. Sandy was able to wear his "Hippies for Obama" button to school and not get beat up. So yeah, we're doing good.

I have to wonder if the GOP isn't just going through the motions now. They surely know that, unless they rig another Supreme Court ruling or fix enough electronic voting machines and/or throw out truckloads of ballots in Democratic counties, they are going to lose, big time. Doesn't mean they wouldn't try, though, if they thought they could get away with it. I just wonder if they don't realize - now - that they might not be able to get away with it, and that they may as well just pack this one in and start making their plans for 2012. Of course, I won't rule out an attack on Iran until Bush is actually gone from the White House on January 21, 2009. There is nothing, nothing at all, that those lunatics won't do.


Mike Thomas said...

I think they have given up on this election and are now focusing on the 2010 mid-term and 2012 elections. Their goal now is to keep their base intact and fired up so they can blame Obama for the huge mess that Bush Co. have made once he is in office with the hopes of picking off Democrats in 2010 and then driving Obama out after one term.
I can’t find a single blogger here in San Antonio willing to defend Bush or even put up much of a fight over McCain. Mark has given up. Jimmyk will probably vote Libertarian again. Bill “Take the Money and Run” Crawford wigged out back when it first became evident that Bush was heading for the dustbin of history.
Maybe Nick will put up a fight if he can regain his health before the election (poor guy’s had a rough couple of weeks).

AnnPW said...

LOL! "Take The Money And Run" describes him perfectly Mike! Lordy, I still wonder what in the world happened to that man. At least Nick's wife posts updates on his blog about his condition. He really has had a rough time, as you said.

I agree completely. They've given up. This kitchen-sink campaign we're seeing has to be just for show.

Ricky Bones said...

Hope you are feeling better! :-)

AnnPW said...

Much better, thank you Ricky Bones!