First Randy now Leon? Good grief, Ann. Do we listen to the SAME music? How far apart in thinking can two people be if they listen to the same music?! Pam
It does appear that we are cut from the same cloth, doesn't it Pam?? BTW, what on earth has happened to your friend Bill? I need him to post some more stuff for me to make fun of! >;)
Actually wondering if something really bad has happened. I'ts never been this long in between new topics. I've stayed away for a few months, mostly considering what changes need to occur to take me from a financially poor teacher status to an average American wage earner. I've come to realize a few things. First, it will never happen within a republican government framework and second, I'll have to sacrifice some previously held conservative ideals in order not to be poverty stricken. (Sorry to go on ad nauseum). When I last commented on why I'd vote for Hillary vrs. Guilianni, I was shocked to see some posters defend his marital infidelities and condemn Hillary for her HUSBAND'S. That was the straw for me.
Wow, Pam - that sounds like quite an interesting journey. And yes, I too, am a bit concerned about Bill's status. As much as I make fun of the guy, and am angry with him for the way he has treated Mike and me, I still care about what happens to him, and I know that he has a wife who is ill. All kidding aside, I hope he is okay - he won't respond to Mike's or my emails, so I wondered if maybe you were in contact with him other than as a commenter at his site. Doesn't sound like you are, so oh well. We will just have to wait and see. For the record, Pam, I have always been consistently impressed with the fairness and obvious thoughtfulness of your comments - most of Bill's commenters are truly bozos, so when one does come along that demonstrates even the most basic ability to reason, it stands out! Good luck in your quest. I hope you'll keep us posted as to your progress!
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First Randy now Leon? Good grief, Ann. Do we listen to the SAME music? How far apart in thinking can two people be if they listen to the same music?!
It does appear that we are cut from the same cloth, doesn't it Pam?? BTW, what on earth has happened to your friend Bill? I need him to post some more stuff for me to make fun of! >;)
Actually wondering if something really bad has happened. I'ts never been this long in between new topics. I've stayed away for a few months, mostly considering what changes need to occur to take me from a financially poor teacher status to an average American wage earner. I've come to realize a few things. First, it will never happen within a republican government framework and second, I'll have to sacrifice some previously held conservative ideals in order not to be poverty stricken. (Sorry to go on ad nauseum). When I last commented on why I'd vote for Hillary vrs. Guilianni, I was shocked to see some posters defend his marital infidelities and condemn Hillary for her HUSBAND'S. That was the straw for me.
Wow, Pam - that sounds like quite an interesting journey. And yes, I too, am a bit concerned about Bill's status. As much as I make fun of the guy, and am angry with him for the way he has treated Mike and me, I still care about what happens to him, and I know that he has a wife who is ill. All kidding aside, I hope he is okay - he won't respond to Mike's or my emails, so I wondered if maybe you were in contact with him other than as a commenter at his site. Doesn't sound like you are, so oh well. We will just have to wait and see. For the record, Pam, I have always been consistently impressed with the fairness and obvious thoughtfulness of your comments - most of Bill's commenters are truly bozos, so when one does come along that demonstrates even the most basic ability to reason, it stands out! Good luck in your quest. I hope you'll keep us posted as to your progress!
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