Monday, January 28, 2008

Obama's SC Victory Speech

Our friend, Freewheel, points us to Obama's victory speech which is indeed inspirational, and couldn't we all use a little of that:


Mike Thomas said...

Of course, I thought Howard Dean had things wrapped up back when he got endorsed by Al Gore, but it certainly seems as if Obama has taken a big step toward securing the nomination with his win in S.C.
I think the biggest thing going for Obama right now is the fact that everytime his name is mentioned it gets connected with the word "inspirational".
Meanwhile, Hillary has the distinct disadvantage of having a large contingent of people out there with an irrational hatred for her. The wingnuts seem to be all geared up to fight Hillary, while they seem rather clueless what to do about Obama.

Freewheel said...

No doubt about it, I'm caught up in Obamania -- but the reality is that he has a steep uphill fight against the Clintons. Hillary's likely to take NY, NJ and California on Super Tuesday - not enough to secure the nomination, but enough to give her a huge lead.