Friday, January 4, 2008

What's it all MEAN?

For those of you who are wondering, via Crooks and Liars, Steve Benen gives us a great Shorter version of an analysis of last night's caucus results. And lexicographers must be having a field day with the flood of new terminology that Huckabee's campaign is generating. Today, alone, we have "huckenfreude" and "Huckernaut". Good times!

UPDATE: Dear God, here's another one: The SS Hucktanic.


heydave said...


Now that I have your attention (sorry) I can report that the caucus was much more animated than 4 years ago. Being from Chicago, I always try to inject the right amount of anger and/or violence into things political, but the only moment that got rowdy was a Hillary supported who jumped on a chair and began bloviating his thoughts aloud. Too far away from me, I could only watch in delight as another Edwards supported read him his STFU and sit down rights.

AnnPW said...

LOL, you had my attention on the "Pakistan" thread heydave, but I just hadn't gotten around to responding yet! That'll teach ME to be so pokey, right? So you're an Edwards supporter? Me too, so far.

heydave said...

The main point I took from the caucus was the sheer size of the crowd. Nearly 500 people in my precinct met in a school gym that could really only handle 300. Other rooms were commandeered, and the whole thing was a bit unruly. But to see lines of cars, people streaming in to my neighborhood from all over, headed to a school on a very cold winter night... gives a cynical old fuck like me pause for hope.

Yes, I went for Edwards here. I predict he'll be much more of a contender than what you are likely hearing from so many pundits out there. Way too many young people for Obama is what I saw, and I've always been disappointed in there performance in a "real" election.

heydave said...

...feel free to substitute "their" into the previous comment...

AnnPW said...

Substitution noted, and thank you for that in-person account of the activity there! I think the youth vote is going to be a factor this time around, just a hunch. I was at lunch yesterday with some co-workers, two of whom were mother and daughter - a forty-something and a twenty-something. The daughter, normally a very quiet and sweet young thing, was openly defiant of her parents' political views (views which I might characterize as Toxic Avoidance - claiming to despise all things related to government and/or politics, the mother actually made these two statements, I kid you not: "I just hate our government. I don't think anything about it is working." and "The only reason I would support a Hillary-for-President is that she might get assassinated." I'm glad you weren't there, heydave - or maybe I wish you were - dishes might have been thrown!). Anyway, the daughter had the chutzpah to declare that "I just think all the killing has to stop" with regard to the war in Iraq. Imagine!

heydave said...

I have nothing against tableware, I much prefer the up close and personal approach. :)

Mike Thomas said...

I find it interesting that our friend Bill, who was once very enthusiastic about Huckabee, suddenly has nothing to say about his big Iowa victory.
He seems to have abandoned Huck and jumped on the Rudy! bandwagon just as the bottom fell out from under him. Heh!

AnnPW said...

I KNOW, Mike - isn't that something??? And let's not forget the crush he had on Fred Thompson when HE was flirting with the idea of running also. Gawd, those guys - all of them - are just downright pathetic as cold spit.