Thursday, January 31, 2008

Zippity Do Da-Da

My BFF Jeannette did this painting for me some years ago, after my divorce, and she sent it to me this morning. Thought I'd share, in the spirit of offering a little something different.


heydave said...

That's some mighty deep symbolism there. Makes me wonder what my divorce would look if someone put it on paper. Don't know if anyone could capture self absorbed and stupid, tho.

AnnPW said...

Oh, I bet they could! I once did a drawing, quite large and in colored pencil, that was surrealistic in nature and full of symbolism that would mean nothing to anyone but me. I worked on it for weeks, and I ended up quite satisfied with it, but I never did anything like that again. I don't even know what happened to it - I think it might be somewhere out in our old barn where my ex is living now. Anyway, I've never been very comfortable with symbolistic rendering - it's too complicated to get both the rendering and the aestetic elements just right, together. Nettie loves it though, and has done quite a body of work in this style. It's interesting, we never discuss what her symbols mean (and quite frankly, for the most part I have no idea), and I tend to approach her work from a purely aesthetic standpoint (hence the title of this post), letting the symbolism stand as a purely subjective experience.

Freewheel said...

Wow - it's looks like it might have been painted in blood.

AnnPW said...


I can't wait to tell her that, FW!! What a wonderful observation - there is no doubt that this painting's "spirit" came through to you, loud and clear!

heydave said...

The ginger-root homunculus disturbs me. Especially now that's it's free of captivity.

AnnPW said...

And well it should! It's free and wreaking havoc wherever it goes!

I must say, this is too much fun - to hell with politics!

Gypsy said...

This is the best. I love getting artistic feedback from amateurs.
Merci beaucoup for your insightful dialogue. You are right Ms A. Personal Symbolism is in the eyes of the beholder but often limited to "ceux deux yeux".
the artist

Freewheel said...

Is the artist French?

AnnPW said...

Mais non, Freewheel, but she has a gig going where she spends six months out of the year as a hostess at an artists' retreat in southern France and for this she had to become conversant in French. So she practices a lot. Tough life, huh?