Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Glenn Greenwald has a couple of good posts up today, though as usual they are both depressing as hell and we may need to boost our spirits over here at BTW again after reading them. In one post, he quite handily eviscerates the Village-driven myth of "bipartisanship," which is one of those very annoying narratives that our used-to-be Very Good Friend Bill used to prattle on about whenever Democrats voted in a way he didn't like. The other one is called "'Trust Us' Government" and reminds us what staggering hypocrites today's Republicans are, in this case with regard to investing our government with the power to spy on its own citizens without any oversight whatsoever.

On another note, I'm sorry that John Edwards is dropping out of the race and I hope there will be a Cabinet position for him in the next administration. I think he might be an excellent Attorney General.

1 comment:

heydave said...

I was for Edwards myself, and think it's a damn shame that he calls it quits the same day that fucking little megalomaniac from NYC does also. Like some shrill little fuckhead and/or a stupid drawling actor have anything in common with his efforts.
