Saturday, January 12, 2008

For Martin

I've been struggling with this for a few days - how to pay tribute to a friend from work who died last week. Martin was a severe and fragile diabetic, and on Wednesday the disease claimed his life. We weren't close, but we would frequently walk to and from our cars together, and where I work that distance afforded us some time to have a good conversation. He was also a bit quirky, and I've always been drawn to that type. He had a wife and a 13-year-old daughter by a previous marriage, both of whom he clearly loved deeply, and was also apparently good friends with his ex-wife. I liked him, and I'll miss him. I think he might have liked this little collage, so I'm posting it and dedicating it to him.

1 comment:

heydave said...

Nice tribute. Thanks for sharing the brief story.