Monday, January 7, 2008

Yeah, but can he spell "disband"?

Our Good Friend Bill on Why Ron Paul Is Insane:
Let me explain why I think Paul is insane, and unfit to be president.

...(blah, blah, blah)...

He says the Civil War was a mistake:

Six-hundred-thousand Americans died in the senseless Civil War," he said. "No, he should not have gone to war. He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original tenet of the Republic,"

He wants to dispand the IRS...and the CIA.
Back in the days when I was trying to be fairly diplomatic with our Good Friend Bill, I had an interesting email exchange with him once which began when I pointed out to him that his grammatical errors (such as writing "your" for "you're" and saying things like "My wife and me went to a movie...")could be somewhat distracting from the (cough, cough) "point" he was trying to make. I received back a rather curt response that he was very aware, thank you very much, what the correct grammar was but chose to write incorrectly on purpose because he was "rebellious." I never got back an answer to my question of why he felt the need to be "rebellious" against good grammar.

1 comment:

Mike Thomas said...

I picked on Bill once about his atrocious grammar and only managed to hurt his feelings so I gave up.
It looks like Bill is really anxious to talk politics with someone over there and can't find any takers. It's a real shame. I can't count the number of times he's ended a post with "What say you?" only to have zero comments.
Mark seems to have gotten bored with the site, Greg has apparently flown the coop, and there is just not much in the way of intelligent commentary you can get from the likes of Otter and Big Dan.