Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Compare and Contrast

Barack Obama delivered a whale of a speech yesterday, one that I believe will be read and recited in classrooms for generations to come alongside Lincoln's and JFK's Inaugural Addresses, and MLK's "I Have A Dream" speech. And guess what - he wrote it himself, in two days. Wrote. It. Himself. Raise your hand now if you would like to hear George W. Bush stand up on the steps of the White House and deliver a speech that he himself wrote. I know I would! If only to see how many pages out of his Big Chief tablet he would use.

UPDATE: Response from the right has been predictable. But this catch from Maha is too rich to pass up. Jonathan Martin at Politico thinks Obama has made himself an easy target, and quotes none other than Rick Wilson to bolster his case:
“It was a speech written to mau-mau the New York Times editorial board, the network production people and the media into submission. Beautifully calibrated but deeply dishonest,” said GOP media consultant Rick Wilson, who crafted the 2002 ad tying then-Sen. Max Cleland to Osama bin Laden. “Not good enough.”
Got that? "Beautifully calibrated but deeply dishonest," says the man who participated in the "mau-mauing" of Max Cleland, and you remember who he is, don't you.


vizavis said...

“For the first time, some Republicans are rethinking Hillary as their first choice,” said Alex Castellanos, a veteran media consultant who recently worked for Mitt Romney’s campaign...

Proving how racist the Republican party really is as opposed to how sexist they became over Hillary. Wow, what a choice group of misguided rich people and what a hard decision...who to hate the most?

AnnPW said...

Pathetic, aren't they? I could almost feel sorry for them if they hadn't been so destructive for so long.

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

I agree with you, his speech was nothing short of historical and amazing. I even have a video of it posted on my blog.

AnnPW said...

Thanks for stopping by Mandy!