Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Well I'm glad THAT'S over...

Actually, as I said, my experience was pretty easy, and that seems to be the case with most of my neighbors as well, though there were others who had a terrible time, and some who just had a time. Here are some numbers from Kendall County, where I live (we are about 30 miles NW of San Antonio):

...........................Early voting.........Total Votes

John McCain..................1,884................3,506

Hillary Clinton................589...............1,294

Barack Obama...................791...............1,577

Then there's this from the San Antonio paper:

Primary Caucus

which confuses the hell out of me. Like I said before and will doubtless say many more times, November can't get here soon enough!

UPDATE: That chart from the SA paper did not come out like it was supposed to! So just ignore it. That's what I do!

UPDATE II: Mike and John both point out that not only should I be exhausted, I should also be horribly depressed, which of course I am. I figure that just goes without saying.


Donna said...

It was sort of fun to caucus, though. I kept thinking it should be snowing outside; it seemed like such a quaint New England practice.

Here's to better days ahead.

AnnPW said...

AAA-men to that, sistah "Hussein"!